Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Tomorrow will be a week after my total knee replacement surgery & I’m feeling a little better & stronger each day.  No marathons in my future, but I’m hoping that walking without a walker will be!

My son, Jason, flew home to help his sister, Kim, take care of her father & me.  Between the two of them, they took care of a lot & I am so very grateful.  My heart is full of love for both of them.  I am humbled by how much love & good energy is being sent to me by friends & family!

Erin, my physical therapist, said I am doing good & immediately added more exercises to my daily routine!  Before you know it, I will be walking with a cane, driving to rehab & taking care of my life.  And for that I will be truly grateful!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

It’s Been Too Long!

It’s been a long time between postings.  I have to admit that I thought this would be something I would do each & every day.  Well, it’s time to change my laziness!  So, I am declaring that I will not post every day, but will try really hard to post once a week.  We will see how that goes! 

This has been a strange year for me so far.  It’s been a month of tests & preparation for knee replacement surgery which is coming up fast.  Just a few more days  & that’s it.  Then it will be physical therapy to get my strength back in that leg.  I have so many wonderful friends who have been so encouraging.  And my family gives me so much support.  I am truly blessed!