Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 - New Beginnings

Happy New Year to my wonderful family & all of my great friends.

It was a great holiday for Ed & I!  Our family was together for Christmas.   Kim, Jason & Yamini are so special to us – we enjoy spending time with them so much!  We are so blessed with their love!

This is the time of the year to reflect on our many blessings and that is what I have been doing since before the holidays.  It is very clear that I am a wealthy woman.  If you have a loving family & good friends, a good job, a comfortable home & reasonably good health, what else do you  need?  Although money can provide security, it is love & respect that feeds your soul. 

My prayer is that 2014 is a healthy year for Ed, myself & my family.  Peace to All!